business woman pointing to Marketing Automation

5 Sales-Boosting Benefits of Marketing Automation

February 03, 20203 min read

Looking for greater success with your marketing this year?

Well, it might be time to look into marketing automation.

Leveraging software and web-services can make a significant difference. Indeed, 67% of leaders in the marketing world already use it to good effect.

Want to learn how and why you should too?

Read on to discover 5 key benefits of marketing automation.

1. It Saves Time

Manual marketing can be a time-consuming, laborious process.

Replying to emails, reaching out to influencers, posting on social media…These are just three tasks that can take up hours of your day.

Let’s face it, we live in a fast-paced world. With more jobs than time to do them, anything that saves time is a serious advantage. Marketing automation tools and services do exactly that.

They sort out the menial tasks, which means you’re free to do the more important (and more enjoyable) ones.

2. It Saves Money

You have to spend money to make money.

That old adage applies perfectly to marketing automation. Simply put, investing in these tools will save you considerable sums of cash down the line.

For one thing, they’ll reduce your labor costs. After all, the software takes on tasks that an employee would otherwise have to do.

This minimizes the need for extra hands on deck; your budget can be spent elsewhere. You’ll enjoy a significant ROI in the process.

3. It Keeps the Customers Happy

You can’t overstate the value of a satisfied customer.

Happy customers recommend your business to their friends and family. Better still, they’re more likely to come to your business again in the future.

Rates of retention and lead generation increase as a result.

Automation tools, like those in Reach Penguin, facilitate this outcome by enhancing the customer experience. Marketing (think emails, notifications, prompts, and posts) becomes instantaneous in nature, as well as more relevant and personalized.

The best part? You barely have to lift a finger!

4. It Helps with Lead Scoring

Not all leads are created equal.

Some are more likely to convert than others.

For sales teams to work most effectively, they need to work with qualified leads. Don’t, and it’s a one-way ticket to wasted time, effort, and money.

Marketing automation tools can be set up to indicate the quality of a lead ahead of time. Even better, campaigns can be set up to nurture leads until they’re ready for the sales team.

5. It Makes Testing and Analysis Straightforward

As you know, testing is a cornerstone of effective marketing.

Gathering data means you can base all marketing decisions on facts instead of guesswork.

You test, analyze, and optimize to get the best bang for your buck. Failing to test is a recipe for leaving money on the table (and throwing a fair amount down the drain).

Marketing automation software makes testing a breeze.

Automated tests reveal with ease what’s working and what isn’t. You save further time and money in the process.

Experience the Benefits of Marketing Automation

The benefits of marketing automation mean it is being used by more marketing teams than ever before.

Are you ready to give it a try? Contact us today to learn how we can help!

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